Where Do You Want Your Band To Play

Whether you’re planning for an event or performance, you should decide ahead of time where you want the event entertainment band to play. This is important because it will save you time, and it will also give the guests the best performance. This all starts with giving the band the right amount of space to play. What Are The Band’s Preferences? The first thing to consider is the band’s preferences. Understanding your band’s taste will help you decide where they will want to perform. Not to worry though because most bands are flexible and would perform anywhere you place them, for a price, of course. But as long as it’s comfortable, an all string quartet could play either outside or inside. Keep in mind, some bands may say they only play inside or only play outside. Although it’s rare, it’s still a possibility. Talking to your band and asking them what they prefer will help you decide where to place them on the night of the event. Playing Inside Once you asked your band and either you or they have decided on playing inside, there are a few factors to consider before opening night. The first being, make sure there is enough room for the bandmates to set up their instruments and equipment. If the venue is small, that might be a problem for bands that have more than four members. If that’s the case, sacrifice a small space in the back of the venue for those who aren’t performing, that just control the audio. This will help optimize your space and make your band happy. Also, make sure there is a stage along with a dance floor. A stage will separate your guests from your performers and give off a real feel of a concert or performance. Moreover, a dance floor will create a space for your guests to watch and dance, as they enjoy themselves. But be sure that there is enough space for your dance floor, keeping in mind it should be separate and away from any tables or chairs. Playing Outside If you or the band decided on playing outside, consider these factors before opening night. Now, because the event is outside, this does not mean you can use your whole surroundings exclusively for the band only. Again, create a space for the stage and the equipment. Also, remember the floor. If you plan on having a dance floor, invest in building a dance floor for guests who are wearing heels or nice shoes. Or if your event doesn’t have a dress code, your dance floor can turn into a crowd of people standing wherever they please. These tips should help you decide on where you or your band would like to play on opening night. The point is for the guests to enjoy themselves and to make this the best performance ever. Breezin’ Entertainment & Productions offers premier service that is sure to both relieve the stress of the event planning process and guarantee that the entertainment that is provided exceeds all expectations. To book your next event contact a Breezin’ representative at 813-463-2272 today or visit https://breezin.com/

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